
The new Hair Twist Gel is not like your average hair product. Unlike other brands that have a strong hold, sticky and uncomfortable hair twist gel that is hard to remove from your hair this hair twist gel is very light and thin and can be removed from your hair very easily. Its functionality makes it easy to twist your hair into desired look.

  • Very easy to use.
  • 20 oz. container.
  • Free Shipping with orders of $80 or more!
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The new Hair Twist Gel is not like your average hair product. Unlike other brands that have a strong hold, sticky and uncomfortable hair twist gel that is hard to remove from your hair this hair twist gel is very light and thin and can be removed from your hair very easily. Its functionality makes it easy to twist your hair into desired look.

  • Very easy to use.
  • 20 oz. container.
  • Free Shipping with orders of $80 or more!